Ready to adopt a cat in Singapore? Here’s what you need to know!
Our beloved Ne Ne gal, who’s looking for her forever fam!
Find out about the costs, time commitment, regulations and how to set up a suitable environment for your new feline family member.
Are you considering welcoming a furry feline friend into your home? Before you take the plunge into cat parenthood, it's essential to ensure you're well-prepared for the responsibility that comes with it.
From understanding the financial and time commitments involved to creating a cat-friendly environment, there are several important factors to consider before adopting a cat in Singapore.
This article serves as your comprehensive guide to help you embark on this exciting journey with confidence. Whether you're a seasoned pet owner or a first-time adopter, let's ensure you're purr-pared for paws before bringing your new furry companion home!
How much time should I spend with my cat?
Time commitment for feeding, cleanliness, play, grooming & healthcare!
Adopting a cat requires some serious commitment, not just financially, but in terms of time as well! Being a cat-owner means that you have to be prepared to spend time on feeding, cleanliness including litter box maintenance, playtime, grooming and veterinary care.
Depending on the individual needs of your cats, you’ll be spending up to 30 minutes each day on feeding-related matters - preparing their food, adding supplements as recommended by your vet, then washing up the food and water bowls afterwards, and topping up their water bowls with fresh water daily.
Litter box maintenance
Regular litter box maintenance is essential to ensuring your cat’s health and hygiene – this involves scooping waste and cleaning the litter box regularly! If you do this twice a day, that’ll probably take you 20 minutes (depending on how many litter boxes you have!)
Once a week, we recommend throwing away all the litter to replace with fresh batches, and washing your litter box and scoop with pet-friendly detergent.
Play time & cuddles!
As social creatures, cats also require interaction and companionship. Spending quality time with your cat through playing and cuddling is important for their wellbeing. Try to spend 10-15 minutes playing with them each day - chasing balls, swiping feather wands, anything that’s interactive!
Cat toys don’t have to be expensive - check out YouTube for DIY cat toys with every day items!
These include brushing, teeth-cleaning, ear-cleaning and nail-clipping. Depending on your cat, some of these can be part of a daily routine (especially teeth-cleaning and brushing for long-haired cats).
Some pet parents also schedule regular visits to the groomers; other prefer to do it at home.
Vet visits
Veterinary appointments for routine check-ups, vaccinations and preventive care should also be scheduled periodically to maintain your cat’s health!
For younger cats with no health conditions, once a year should be enough. Otherwise, do check with your vet on the ideal frequency.
Little Nori is still waiting for her forever human!
How much will it cost to have a cat?
In terms of financial commitments, owning a cat involves one-time expenses and ongoing expenses.
One-time expenses will include things like adoption fees (at Mettacats & Dogs Sanctuary, our adoption fee is S$50. The fee goes towards subsidising the other cats in the shelter.)
The initial set-up will also incur costs - purchasing food and water bowls, cat-beds, scratch-posts and a sturdy litter box.
Some cat owners who may not be home at regular hours would also purchase automatic litter boxes and feeders that can be found online, so this will factor into the expenses as well. (We don’t recommend automated litter boxes because it’s important to know how your cats are peeing and pooing for health reasons, but we understand that some have challenging schedules.)
Ongoing expenses include food, litter, toys and grooming supplies, as well as veterinary expenses including routine check-ups and vaccinations, and treatment for any health issues.
We’ve made a handy list of some common expenses in the table below!
One time costs
Note: all costs are estimates based on what we see on Shopee/ Lazada and pet shops.
Adoption fees: $50 - $200
($50 at Mettacats & Dogs Sanctuary. This differs from shelter to shelter.)
Basic set-up
Food and water bowls
Cheap ones are a few dollars; of course, there are premium or designer/ handmade ones that can be extremely expensive!
Litter box
Litter boxes can be also be very cheap, basic plastic boxes that can be as cheap as a few dollars; they can also go up to a thousand if you want to buy a fancy self-cleaning automatic box! Do note that for the basic boxes, you’ll need to buy a proper scoop as well, which will cost a few dollars.
Cat toys
Cat toys can be free - cats love playing with things that tinkle, have interesting texture, make fun sounds when chased or have exciting movements (like swishing feathers). These could be little balls or trinkets you already have at home! Feather wands cost only a few dollars and will provide lots of fun.
Scratchpads or scratchposts
These are essential if you don’t want your furniture ruined. The cheap ones cost a few dollars and the fancy ones go up to hundreds of dollars!
If you want a more fancy set-up…
You could get items like an automatic cat feeder (ranges from $30 or so to a few hundreds, depending on the model and brand), fancy cat beds and hammocks, cat condos and… the sky’s the limit, especially if your budget isn’t limited!
Recurring costs
Depending on your cat’s age, health needs, allergies, brand/meat preferences etc, the food and therefore cost of food can differ significantly! For instance, foods that are made specifically for senior cats or cats with kidney issues will have varying costs due to their different formulation. At Mettacats & Dogs Sanctuary, we spend around S$160 a month on food, supplements and treats for each cat. (Want to help sponsor one of our cats? Click here!)
Cat litter
Depending on the type of litter you get, these would vary. Our adopters using tofu litter for 2 cats spend around $15/ week on litter.
Veterinary Check-ups
The clinics we’ve seen listed their consultation charges online as $40-$120, not including other procedures and medication.
Anti-flea/mite/parasite treatments
These will need to be taken every 2-3 months (please consult your vet first). Each dose will cost around $20.
Vaccinations protect our kitties from serious infectious diseases. Pet vaccinations typically cost $25 to $50 per dose, depending on the type of vaccine administered.
Cats are typically vaccinated against diseases like Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV), Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV).
Our Friday boy is all ready to meet his forever fam!
How can I create a cat-friendly environment in my home?
Here’s how to create a space, happy safe for your feline friend!
Window Meshing!
It is crucial that you mesh your windows or install window grills with gaps of no more than 1.5 inches to ensure the safety of your cat!
Door Meshing
Similarly to window meshing, this can help prevent your kitty from escaping and getting lost, especially when you open the door to come in or out (or receive your food delivery orders!)
Vertical Territory
Cats love to climb and perch on high places. Consider installing cat shelves, bridges, or scratching posts that allow them to survey their domain.
Scratching Solutions
Provide ample scratching posts made of sisal or cardboard to deter your cat from using your furniture. Place them in prominent locations like living room corners or near windows where they like to perch.
Hidden Hideaways
Cats crave cosy nooks to feel secure. Dedicate a box or cubby hole filled with soft bedding for them to retreat to when they need a nap or some quiet time.
Plant Safety
Certain houseplants and flowers are extremely toxic to cats and can cause severe reactions. Some common toxic houseplants and flowers include: lilies, monstera, tulips, daffodils etc. This is not a complete list, to check if your plants and/or flowers are plant safe, a quick search will give you the answer!
Food Safety
Similar to plant safety, do be careful to put away foods that are toxic or dangerous to cats - chocolate, grapes and raisins, alcohol, nuts, raw meats, and more. Again, a Google search will help you out here!
Don’t forget to check the new cat regulations for cat ownership in Singapore!
From 1 September 2024, AVS has put out a Cat Management Framework which includes regulations that all pet cats must be licensed. This is for traceability in the event of an outbreak in disease.
Cat licences can be applied for online via the Pet Animal Licensing System (PALS) from 1 September 2024. There are some requirements:
Before licence application
Cat will need to be implanted with a microchip
All first-time cat licence applicants will need to complete a one-time free online pet ownership course
Between 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2026, all cat licences will be issued for free!
All pet owners are expected to comply with the Code of Animal Welfare (for pet owners) and its minimum standards for animal housing, management, and care.
You can read more details about the Cat Management Framework on AVS’ website!
In conclusion…
Inviting a cat into your life in Singapore promises a journey of joy and companionship. Yet, it's a commitment laden with its own array of responsibilities and considerations.
From acquainting yourself with legal mandates and limitations to selecting a cat that suits your lifestyle, and setting up your home to welcome them, each step holds significance.
Keep in mind, adoption entails more than just providing a home; it involves integrating them into your life and ensuring their enduring happiness and health. As you prepare to embrace your new feline friend, be prepared for the enriching adventure that lies ahead.
Written by:
Low Le Ee, Joanne and Wee Heoh Ee, Eleanor
Eunoia Junior College Service Learning Club & MCDS volunteers