
Gender: Male

Age: 7 Years


OK with single or multi-cat household


Pippin came to MCDS in 2018 with 2 other rescues. One of them has been adopted, so lil Pip is awaiting his turn! 

Sociability: He is a super friendly, loving boy who loves head scratches and strokes but doesn’t like being carried. So he’s less of a “lap cat” and more of a “beside your lap” cat.

Don’t think he’s aloof, though - he wants to interact a lot and will definitely make himself part of every single piece of your business. Our volunteers can attest to that - nobody can walk past Pip’s enclosure without him attempting to follow or pop a lil arm out to pat us.

Health: Pippin is FIV and FELV negative, and has been sterilised.

Check him out on FB and IG: #PIPPINmcds

Make Pippin the one for you!


Mo Mo
