
Gender: Female

Age: 7+ Years

Purrsonality: Has layers like an onion

OK with single or multi-cat household

*Please note health condition in description


Do y’all remember that famous Shrek saying: Ogres are like onions?

Our mysterious tortie Skylee is far from an ogre, but she has intimidated a few less experienced visitors because she looks fierce and hissy and ready to take flight at any second. But honestly, it’s all a front! Beneath the DON’T TOUCH ME facade is a kitty that…. quite likes being touched. Peep our vids below.

History: TRIGGER WARNING - animal cruelty.

Skylee’s reticent and untrusting nature is hardly surprising given what she has endured. Skylee had a home with a couple. When Skylee was heavily pregnant, her owner accidentally stepped on her tail, and Skylee reacted instinctively by biting the woman’s leg. She drew blood, and that made the woman’s partner furious. He flung a cat carrier at Skylee and called up a mutual contact, saying that if the cat doesn’t get into the carrier and then get out of the house, he would stab her with a knife. His contact called Mettacats’ founder Siew Ying in desperation, she bravely rushed down to the flat and spent a long time coaxing Skylee out from under the bed where she had fled in terror.

Eventually, the cat rescuer and Siew Ying evacuated Skylee and brought her to the shelter. She miscarried but survived.

Sociability: Skylee spent the first few years cowering, hissing and growling at the volunteers. (Perfectly understandable given her ordeal.) However, over the past couple of years, she has started to open up! She now can be persuaded to accept strokes, pats, chin scritchies (she loves her chin scritchies) and recently even soft belly rubbies. This truly gives us a glimpse into what her personality must’ve been like, before she was so badly mistreated.

Skylee is also a very very good girl who has shared a room with a few different cats during her time here, and has always co-existed harmoniously with them.

Health: Skylee is FELV negative and FIV positive, and has been sterilised. She also has early kidney disease and requires renal diet and regular fluid therapy, but is otherwise in good health. She’s been SO good with her fluid therapy too, look at how cooperative she is below!

Keep up with Skylee on IG and FB: #SKYLEEmcds

Give Skylee a new lee-ase on life!




Tom Tom