
Gender: Female

Age: est 7 years

Purrsonality: Playful and Feisty

OK with single or multi-cat households


Wednesday is a petite orange-white cat with a playful and curious personality. She’s tiny and extremely pretty, but also plenty feisty!

Her history is not well documented, as with many of our rescued cats, but she’s been with us for several years. Her daughter, Monday, was adopted last year so this sweet girl is waiting for her turn!

Sociability/ behaviour: To be transparent, Wednesday had previously gone for a home trial but was returned after one night because she was too playful and climbed/ran all over her potential adopter’s home, causing the family a sleepless night. She also knocked over some furniture. This is really quite normal as cats adapt to a new environment, which is why we often recommend confining cats to one room for the few first nights until they feel more familiar and secure.

With a patient and understanding adopter, we’re sure Wednesday will make a loving companion - she has won over all the volunteers with her cheekiness and intelligence! As one volunteer remarked - “This girl’s not just a pretty face!”

Health: Wednesday is FIV and FELV negative. She has an early kidney condition and requires the requisite medication and renal diet.

Keep updated with her daily shenanigans on FB and IG: #WEDNESDAYmcds

Will Wednesday be your favourite day of the week?

