Mo Mo
Gender: Female
Age: Est 5 years
Purrsonality: Snoozy potato
OK with single or multi-cat households
Momo and her kittens, Raccoon and Sunkit, were rescued from a horse club in Kranji in December 2019. It’s not known how she got there, but she must have been starving because she killed a rabbit and pheasants to feed her kittens. The owner of the horse club discovered it and wanted to have them put down.
Luckily for Momo and her kittens, the caretaker at the club secreted them away and called a cat rescuer, who brought them to Metta. And there they’ve lived in safety and with plenty of proper cat food!
Momo’s boy Sunkit got adopted by a wonderful family a few years ago. She and her daughter Raccoon are still waiting for their happily ever after!
Sociability: This orange and white beauty is a chonky snoozy potato who likes to curl up on a high perch and watch the world go by. She’s a tad shy with strangers (especially after her ordeal), but now she happily receives pats and finger bumps from our volunteers and even purrs at us when she’s in a good mood! And with the volunteers she’s familiar with, she swats them if they walk past without giving her a pat on her head!
Health: She is FIV and FELV negative, and has been sterilised. No known health conditions.
Check out her day-to-day adventures on our IG and FB: #MOMOmcds